Golf Outing: Grand Sponsor
The grand sponsorship includes two (2) foursomes, two (2) hole sponsorships (*hospitality tent and table on the first hole tee box), company logo in the event program, and 10' welcome banner. $1,000 educational scholarship of sponsor's choice to be presented at golf outing awards dinner.
The grand sponsorship includes two (2) foursomes, two (2) hole sponsorships (*hospitality tent and table on the first hole tee box), company logo in the event program, and 10' welcome banner. $1,000 educational scholarship of sponsor's choice to be presented at golf outing awards dinner.
The grand sponsorship includes two (2) foursomes, two (2) hole sponsorships (*hospitality tent and table on the first hole tee box), company logo in the event program, and 10' welcome banner. $1,000 educational scholarship of sponsor's choice to be presented at golf outing awards dinner.